Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Long time new update

So its been a really long time since I touched this blog. I have been busy, really busy but that is no excuse not to get you updates. In my life I am planning a wedding, buying a house, doing lots of PT, and starting a Clinical trial. All these things have both Kristyn and I stressed out but we are going to keep on trucking and make this all happen.

Kristyn moves to the west side of the state on Sunday and my mother moves back in to help me with PT. Both my ladies in my life have been great and put up with my inability to walk and me asking them to get me stuff and drive me places all the time.

The clinical trail I started is a Europe drug that has worked on sarcoma cancer. It is a 24hr infusion every 3 weeks. I get 3 infusions then a new CT scan to see if the drug is responsive to my cancer. I am excited to start this trail see if it works and if it doesn't i will move on to the next drug trail what have you.

I am in great spirits right now just excited about all the life changes things that are going on in my life. I am no longer employed and focused on my health. I am making ends meet with help from my parents and others. For those of you that don't know Molly One of the nicest people I know is throwing a charity dinner in 2 days on Thursday. She has worked really hard on this dinner so if you can show up then that would be awesome. Thanks for reading hope all is well in your life.



  1. I can't wait to see you on Thurs! It will be such a special night with so many people who love you in one room!

  2. Scott, I hope you gained volumes of good vibes on Thursday night. What a success. You have such a fabulous network of friends that love and support you. It was amazing to see all of that up close and personal. Good things are coming your way!!
