Friday, January 29, 2010

Chemo 3rd round

This round has not gone as smooth as the other two rounds. I felt more sick. Slept almost the whole time. Had no want to do anything but sleep. On Wed/Thurs one of my treatments was pinched closed do to a nursing error. This made me a full 12 hours behind. So to correct this error they doubled the speed of the chemo and pumped it into me which made me very sick. I felt tired already but this was a sick tired and just done feeling.

Today I am much better it being friday and off to my home soon to watch some DVR action. I haven't been this excited to come home as I am today. Sorry I don't have much good or positive to say but this treatment was rough on me and my body. I am hoping to have a great weekend and report about that soon. Love you all.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

She's Back!

I have been told by one source that my blog is hard to read because I write like a 5 year old. I am sorry and will try to remember those rules I learned in the Rochester school system. As for me I am doing great. The wound I was talking about in my last blog, well I overreacted and it should be fine. My doctor said the wound was fine to start chemo so I will be going in tomorrow morning.

Friday I went to the doctors with no real news to bring back. My MRI came back the same as last time so who knows if the spots are cancer or if they are from surgery. I can only think and hope they are from surgery. Friday night went out with a large group of friends. I have said this before and may mention it again, it is fun to be sober around a bunch of drunkards. The night was a blast getting to hang out with a ton of people I don't enough of. For a chunk of night I was seated in front of my good friends Mike and Paul who are talking politics. So Hern acts as my crutch and moves me to another conversation. The night was fun and besides the stomach issues after the bar I had a blast.

I had PT on Saturday and he really thinks I may have to have surgery to get my knee fixed. I hope this is not the case. Better news Kristyn came home from DC with her mom. So she will Be here for the next 3 weeks. We had a great Chinese dinner with her mom and dad watch the last episode of The Office (which I believe is the best one ever).

I am off to the hospital for the week will report from there.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good days can't keep coming?

Well welcome back to my bi-weekly drug. I should have named this Dova's Dopers since I got you all taking some of the Dova Drink. Why you read this 5th grade level typing I have no clue but here it goes

So I finished off telling you about Sunday with out mentioning that one of my favorite people in the world stopped by Ms. Rizzo. She dropped me off lunch and dinners for the next week!!! Lasagna with some bread and cake. If you ever want Lasagna you need her to make it!!!! But thanks for the drop in and food man was it great.

I got the common cold this week which was a scare but don't you worry the doc said my blood counts and sleep would kill this thing off so thats what I am counting on. Tuesday I had a CT of my lungs. For those of you that I have not told, Spots were found in my Lungs back in October. It was also found not to be cancer by a Pet scan. But the problem with the spots is they were so tiny that a Pet scan may not have picked them up. The good news about the CT is that the spots have not grown since October making it less likely to be cancer spots. Today I had an MRI also to disprove some spots that were found in my leg that we hope are surgical spots.

So all this good news can't keep coming right? You are correct my friend. I had a home care nurse come by Tuesday to look at the wounds on foot. She covered them up with bandages which I told her that the doctors had told us not to cover them up. Well she said that they need to be covered up and that it would be better if we did. So since I am going to the doctor in the AM I wanted to take them off so that I could know if I needed to mention the wounds to the doctor. And yes you are correct by assuming that the wounds got worse. My heal which had not been open yet on the side is torn off. You can see deep layers of my skin. I am so pissed off that if you look at the time I am still up and my doctor appointment is at 9am. I am hoping that my MRI results bring me back to the good week I was having!

To end on a good note I won at poker so that was nice.



Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crazy Weekend

So its been a while since we last talked. I lie to you and say hey I will do this every other day. Weeeeellll I have found that maybe I should just post at random since I am a very random dude. So Thursday I had to be at work for a work meeting. Yeah I know the first time I had to get dressed and look presentable in a really long time. Meeting was good, but it was much better to see everyone at work. I guess I am missing out on some Mad ping pong games and golden tee. Yeah we have fun at work, but all and all it was nice to see the crew and get out of the house, talk to the boss and set some goals for me.

Friday was good worked all day and had a date night with my mom and watched Fools gold. How I let my mother and girlfriend rope me into watching chick flicks I will never understand. It was nice to spend some time with just me and my mom and watch a movie. She doesn't like sports AT ALL and I think the only channel I know is ESPN so we are in different rooms all the time.

Saturday was lets just say an awesome busy day. Started of with lunch with my six foot nine future father in law to ask him for his only daughters hand in marriage. Lunch was great and who knew I trick him and he said yes. This was the best part of an awesome Saturday. Next I went to Redcoat for some burger action. For those who read this in other areas or countries (just kidding not sure anyone reads this let alone in another country) Redcoat is the best burger in Detroit. I wasn't that hungry but finished the whole thing. It was great to see the crew and now since I had my mother make sundaes for the poker crew my buddy Hern was yelling in the restaurant Hey Ma, Make us some sundies!!! Hern is the loudest person I know. So yes this was hilarious. Lastly we all came back to my house for some Poker. There was alot of money and drinking being done, I can't drink so just the money part for me. The boys are like hey got anything we can take shots of and me being the nice guy I offer up a very nice expensive bottle of tequila which by the end of the night was gone. To sum up how the bottle was emptied Murphy Yelling "Hey dail up some shots!" would explain it and the whole night.

Sunday since I didn't go to bed til 2am I felt like I was hungover and spent the day watching football and a movie with my ma. Lazy day. Thats a long one sorry I wasted a ton of your time blame it on the rain.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

I got nothing for you...Which I guess is a great thing no news is good news. I been really tired lately and its been harder to get out of bed but other than that every thing is great. Went to the Doc's today and my numbers came back good. I had PT today which was hard and I am not making much progress with my knee. I may get a knee brace to help straighten it up.

Personally I am really excited tomorrow I get to see everyone from work which has been way too long. I am playing some poker thursday and Saturday which I hope I have enough money for both. Its great to get out of the house and see people and feel like a normal person not a sick person. Sorry I had nothing fun to report.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

weekend fun

So for me being locked up for the weekend I would say I had a ton of fun. I wasn't able to leave but many people stopped by to watch the football games and to say hi. Murphy my friend is back for good from England and I was able to see him for the first time in over a year.

As for my health I am doing great, well better and am hoping this week is my big climb for my white blood cells. I did some intense PT over the weekend and I know its going to be a hard road to get my leg to 100%. Nothing else to report which I guess is a good thing. Hope to have a good week and hope I can report some more fun later on.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Time for the weekend.

I had a doctors appointment and my counts once again came in low. The good thing about this time is that they sent home not to the ER. I am how ever a prisoner in my own home...Its not all that bad better than being at the hospital...Good weekend to be home lots of NFL playoff games and what not. My friend Melissa stopped by today and dropped off a really funny book F my Life. There is a website which is similar to the book you should check it out.

Nothing else to report sorry I am hoping to have a pretty fun weekend with some peeps stopping to watch the games and a bonus my buddy Murphy is back from England and he will be stopping by for a bit too!!!!!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

every other day

So I have made the decision that an every other day thing is plenty of Scott in your life for this blog. I don't have enough cool stuff well ever to post so I figured if I posted every day even my mother would stop reading which being an only child its hard for mothers to stop whipping your butt let alone reading boring material on her son.

So basically the chemo has made me really tired...I been working hard at making phone calls and fighting threw the being tired which has paid off I think I have so far had the most sales since I started chemo or maybe I am so tired it seems that way. I have home PT now that I am doing the Chemo. Muhammad is not a very nice man. I think he tried to rub off my skin and I have not been in that much pain in a long time. I guess that is why its called Pain and Torture for a reason. But Unlike Amy (my other PT girl who was 5 foot 103lbs) he is going to make me get my leg straight.

As for health this upcoming weekend is big and Friday I have a doctors apt that the last round ended me up in the ER room with really low counts and got to stay at hotel Beaumont for the weekend. I am hoping this is not the case this weekend. I will of course keep you posted.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Random crap

For the boredom part I went to the doctor today....It was different this time. I was only getting a shot to raise my white blood count, an in and out procedure, that made me look at what people go through. I got my blood drawn, then she said go in the back and you will get your shot. The last time I stayed up front. I went to the back to see a long row of chairs filled with people, bags, and lines going into these people. I get my Chemo done at the hospital private 5 days in a row and these people are sitting here like they are having a burger and fries. It made my 5 day stay worth it and maybe better than dealing with the burger and fries deal. I received my shot and left. The day wasn't bad meeting at work (via phone) and worked most the day from home...Caught up on some shows and now am watching some football....Nothing too special...

So...I been thinking...Thinking alot...About people that have touched my life now and in the past. Not sure why. I am not depressed or have any bad news just thinking a lot of what got me to this point in my life. I think that the cancer gets me thinking about good days and what great people have been around me my whole life. Starting with my Parents and going to new and old friends. Even companies have molded me such as Enterprise with great knowledge and Summit letting me work on my health and work from home....You know this cancer thing will be the one thing that touches my life that will mold me the most...Before Cancer I was a "good" person with great people around him...Now I realize how much those people make you whole. The fact that I have More people that want to help out anyway possible means the world to me and for that I thank you...Sorry for the random crap but I was thinking about past things and wanted to share this...


Sunday, January 3, 2010

A pain in the Knee

Yesterday was a long day with trying to sleep and knee pain. My knee hurts pretty bad from not being used for a couple of weeks while my PT was on hold. So sleep and trying to get comfortable are at a premium.

The chemo has hit me a little harder and faster this time I feel worn down and need to rest. The Nausea is a little worse but the pills seem to be doing it. I would have to say just rest and relaxation have helped for this weekend.

The good news is dear old dad and I have been watching Son's of Anarchy a biker show which we all know that my dad is a huge biker. It's actually a good show. And the show is way better than watching the Lie down's. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New years years day

Day 4 of chemo was pretty boring again. This round has worn me down and kept me sleeping more than the first round. I am happy to say that I was able to sleep which didn't happen round 1. I got out earlier than expected which is where I am now watching football on my couch.

So I didn't make it to new years ball drop but I assume the same things happened with out me watching it. I am happy to be home and hope I am not boring you with no information on this one. I will start to get sicker and sicker so I will have more to complain about.
